Albatros Energy Mali S.A (AEM) independent private power project is a 90 megawatt (MW) heavy fuel oil power station built in Kayes, western Mali. It is Mali’s first IPP to feed into the national grid. The power station consists of 6 Caterpillar diesel reciprocating engines. The project achieved financial close in June 2017. Construction commenced in July 2017, and was commissioned in October 31st 2018, ahead of schedule.
It is providing a much needed sustainable energy source allowing an increased access to electricity for Mali’s citizens and enabling industries to grow.
We are excited to work together with our stakeholders in making a beneficial contribution to Mali’s power sector and supporting the Government in its sustainable development and energy poverty reduction efforts.
MW installed capacity
MONTHS construction period
€ millions investment
MW installed capacity
MONTHS construction period
€ millions investment

Unique Elements & Firsts
First IPP in Mali. Proven to be ground breaking for other energy projects in Mali and vital for the development of the renewable sector, which needs base load for stabilising the grid.
The first Islamic financing (Ijara) for a private project in a francophone and sub-saharan African jurisdiction governed by French Law in combination with conventional financing. Financed by a currency mix of Euros and FCFA.
First IPP in Francophone Africa where the debt service reserve account is guaranteed by a partial guarantee provided by GuarantCo.
Malian ownership combined with international know how: the local involvement and local partnerships are a key reason for the success of this project which combines the skills and experience of a local businessman (Amadou Sow), an international energy expert (Koenraad Beckers) and an experienced project finance expert (Ruth Beckers).
First post-conflict infrastructure project – crucial for the economic development and energy poverty reduction. First significant infrastructure project after the conflict in 2012.
First regional financing backed-up by the Danish export credit agency (EKF) allowing the regional finance institution to match the loan tenor of the international lenders.
The thermal power station has been built in a record time of 15,5 month, and started commercial operations on November 1st, 2018.
News & Press Releases
SGS to Manage and Operate a New Laboratory at Albatros Energy in Mali
SGS will be operating the newly established laboratory, in collaboration with Albatros Energy Mali, which is running the first independent power project supplying the national grid in Mali with reliable energy. Testing fuels is vital to guaranteeing the safety of the...
Hydrocarbon analysis laboratory in Kayes
Kayes, december 3rd 2020 : Under the high patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Mines, Energy and Water, Mr. Lamine Seydou Traoré, Albatros Energy Mali SA initiated this afternoon the laying of the foundation stone of a hydrocarbon analysis laboratory. This...
The start of commercial operation
Facility adds up to 90 MW to the national grid, enough power to meet the electricity needs of an equivalent of up to 780.000 households Bamako, 31st October 2018 : The developers and investors in Albatros Energy Mali SA (, the company that has built the...
Corporate Social Responsibility
Reforestation Project
At Albatros Energy, we are dedicated to creating a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, help reforestation efforts and make life easier for the community of Hawa-Dembaya. In 2018, 2600 Arabic Gum trees were planted on 6.5 hectares on the south side of the power...
Water for Hawa-Dembaya
Clean water is a rare resource in some regions in Mali. the weather can become extreme, with droughts alternating with flooding at increasing frequency. Rains are irregular, leading to poor harvests, rising food prices and food insecurity. When floods occur, roads are...
COVID-19: Hand Washing Kits to Hawa-Dembaya
As COVID-19 spreads, it poses a grave danger, especially in communities with struggling health systems. Vulnerable people are hit the hardest by the outbreak: it could drive families deeper into hunger and poverty. In the absence of a cure or vaccine, the current...