Apr 23, 2021 | CSR, Health
This ambulance saved my life and the life of my child. I was in labour when my husband called, and the ambulance quickly arrived to take me to the Hawa-Dembaya maternity where I safely gave birth to a baby girl. Says Habi Touré with emotion, a patient from the...
Apr 23, 2021 | CSR, Education
Nowadays, technology plays a huge role in all facets of life, we always turn to computers to access information, create and express ourselves, communicate and collaborate, and track the achievement of learning outcomes. Unfortunately, the computer room was not...
Apr 23, 2021 | CSR, Education
Let’s come together, help our children and provide them with quality education. Over one million children – nearly one-third – of primary school age are out of school in Mali. In 2017, the rate of secondary school-aged children who were out of school was over 60%....
Apr 22, 2021 | CSR, Education
A backpack full of potential Albatros school kits are giving children in the community of Hawa-Dembaya the tools to focus on their future. In 2019, Albatros Energy Mali organized an indepth study to investigate why the school results of the students of Hawa-Dembaya...