A Free Ambulance Service for the People of Hawa-Dembaya

A Free Ambulance Service for the People of Hawa-Dembaya

This ambulance saved my life and the life of my child. I was in labour when my husband called, and the ambulance quickly arrived to take me to the Hawa-Dembaya maternity where I safely gave birth to a baby girl. Says Habi Touré with emotion, a patient from the...
The Summer Schooling Project Hawa-Dembaya

The Summer Schooling Project Hawa-Dembaya

Let’s come together, help our children and provide them with quality education. Over one million children – nearly one-third – of primary school age are out of school in Mali. In 2017, the rate of secondary school-aged children who were out of school was over 60%....
Operation One Student, One Book

Operation One Student, One Book

A backpack full of potential Albatros school kits are giving children in the community of Hawa-Dembaya the tools to focus on their future. In 2019, Albatros Energy Mali organized an indepth study to investigate why the school results of the students of Hawa-Dembaya...