
The Albatros Energy base-load power plant is based on six (6) units of four-stroke medium speed diesel engines, type 16CM43. The engines are of the well-known family of medium- speed engines designed and supplied by Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, which has a long-standing experience in providing diesel engines for reliable base-load operation.

The selected engines are providing dependable power production and high availability ensuring optimal plant performance.

The layout of the power plant is designed to be constructed on the Site in Médine and the plant is, furthermore, developed following a well-proven modularized concept. Pre-engineered standard units, arranged in an overall layout ensuring efficient service and maintenance of machinery and equipment were used.

The power from the generators are supplied to the step-up transformers and from there to the 225 kV substation, whereas power required for the auxiliaries associated with the power plant will be provided by means of auxiliary transformers and a low-voltage distribution system within the power plant.

The entire power plant machinery and equipment is controlled by a Distributed Control System (DCS) with presentation on operator graphical screens located in the power plant control room.

Hereto, two (2) 87 MVA step-up transformers are installed in the adjacent existing substation.

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