Redox Power Solutions Ltd. won last night at the 4th Ai CEO Infrastructure Project Developers Summit & Awards held in Le Mourne, Mauritius the ‘Ai African Energy Project Developer of the Year’ award ( This is the third award the Project received in recognition of its groundbreaking nature. Albatros Energy Mali was previously awarded with the ‘Infrastructure Deal of the Year 2018’ by Private Equity Africa and the ‘Deal of the Year’ by African Utility Week.

The award was received by the Redox Power Solutions development team: Amadou Sow, Ruth Beckers, Koen Beckers and Patrick Abinader. The team’s combination of international expertise in power project development & execution with local Malian ownership was the basis of the successful development of the Albatros Energy Mali thermal power plant in Kayes, the first IPP for Mali.

Koen Beckers, Redox Power Solutions Ltd CEO said: “We are extremely pleased with this award that recognizes the efforts of an entrepreneurial team that has succeeded in the development of a bankable ground breaking energy infrastructure project in a challenging environment.

Redox Power Solutions Ltd was one of the ten finalists for the ‘Ai African Energy Project Developer of the Year’ award.  The company developed the Albatros Energy Mali 90MW thermal power plant, owned by African Infrastructure Investment Managers (‘AIIM’), Redox Power Solutions Ltd, the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (‘IFU’) and Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor (‘BWSC’). This significant power project will add 25% to the current base-load power of Mali and create enough electricity for approximately 780,000 households.  The project reached financial close in June 2017 and started the construction one month later. The targeted commercial operation date is November 2018.

About Redox Power Solutions Ltd

Redox Power Solutions is a privately owned, entrepreneurial driven, developer of independent power plant projects with a focus on French speaking West Africa. The company’s owners have a proven track-record of initiating and implementing ground breaking projects in challenging environments.

 About Albatros Energy Mali SA

 Albatros Energy Mali S.A ( is presently building a 90 megawatt (BOOT) thermal power station in Kayes, western Mali. It will be the West African nation’s first independent power project (IPP) to feed into the national grid. It will provide a much needed sustainable energy source allowing an increased access to electricity for Mali’s citizens and enabling industries to grow. Once operational, power will be sold to Mali’s national utility Énergie du Mali (EDM) through a 20-year power purchase agreement.

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