Initially, the dispensary of Médine was created in 1957 by French colonialists. It served all patients of Médine and its surroundings until the decentralization in 1999, where it faced a complete shutdown. CSCOM (a Community Health Center) was created in the area by the government. The closest Health Center Lontou is approximately 12km from Médine being the closest location for about 10,000 residents of Hawa-Dembaya to receive important medical treatment and screening.
The lack of reliable neighborhood medical care and a 12 kilometers travel to the nearest medical facility is not the best care needed by Hawa-Dembaya community.
Between August 2017 and May 2018, Albatros and Rotary E-Club Belgium 1 partnered to rehabilitate and equipped the dispensary of Medine to ensure that the care delivered is tailored to the need of the community.

In order to provide quality treatment, two nurses and a doctor were hired. With the help of the Belgian Rotary E-Club, Albatros Energy Mali could secure the necessary dispensary and maternity ward equipment, which even included an ultrasound machine. The old facilities had no running water, air-conditioning or other basic sanitary facilities. These conditions imposed a huge strain on the patients and medical staff whilst working in temperatures of up to 50 degrees. The cereal bank rehabilitated by Albatros Energy Mali S.A in May 2018, fully equipped and inaugurated on October 31st, 2018 by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Mali Ibrahim Boubacar Keita.
The rehabilitation of the maternity/dispensary of Hawa-Dembaya gave new life to the village. Pregnant women no longer have to travel 12 kilometers to give birth, we now have a reliable medical facility right next door.

Since its opening the dispensary/maternity ward is always committed to providing care for everyone, regardless of their ability to pay in full, however, due to Albatros’ principles, there is a strong belief in the necessity of a small cost contribution to ensure the success and acceptance of the facility.
Currently check-ups, vaccinations, rapid emergency care and non-surgical hospitalization are the main areas that the medical staff cover. Depending on the outcome of the analysis of the most urgent needs of the community, this basic program could be expanded.
New Equipments
- 18 beds/ 18 mattresses/ nightstands
- Waiting room chairs
- Wheelchairs
- Pediatric beds/ baxter holders’
- Medical carts
- Surgery cart/ gynecological table/surgical light
- 1 ultrasound machine/1 poupinel/1 negatoscope
- 1 stretcher/ scale/ 1 medicine cabinet
- Complete office funiture
- Disposable material gloves, masks, blouses